Hello! You have found
jimwrightonline.com, a website created by Jim
Wright, a school psychologist and school administrator
from Central New York.
You are encourage d
to visit Jim's main website, Intervention Central,
at http://www.interventioncentral.org.
The goal of Intervention Central is to give teachers, school administrators
and support staff, and parents free tools, resources, and information
that they can use to promote positive classroom behaviors
and foster effective learning for all children and youth.
Jim currently is a Special Education administrator in a suburban
school district in Central New York. Until recently, he served
as a trainer and program developer for the School-Based Intervention
Team (SBIT) Project for the Syracuse (NY) City School District.
SBIT is a very successful problem-solving model in which teachers
work collegially with their peers to develop effective teaching
and behavior management strategies for struggling students .
Jim also is past Co-Chair of the Central New York School Violence
Prevention Network, an affiliation of school- and community-based
professionals who meet monthly to share strategies for ensuring
that schools remain safe places to learn. In November 2001, Jim
was selected for the "Leadership in School Psychology"
award by the New York Association of School Psychologists.
Jim has presented to teachers, school administrators, and parents
in the Central New York area, throughout New York State, and in
other parts of the nation on effective academic and behavioral
interventions, strategies for teaching 'defiant' students, curriculum-based
measurement, and school-wide violence prevention planning.
You can contact Jim
Wright if your school district or organization is interested in
professional development in topics such as:
- Academic Interventions
That Really Work
- Behavioral Interventions
That Really Work
- Strategies for Working
With Emotionally Unpredictable & Defiant Kids
- A Teacher's Guide
to Using Curriculum-Based Assessment
- Violence Prevention
in Schools: Effective Steps to Safer Classrooms
- An Introduction
to Pre-Referral Instructional Support Teams
Jim Wright, M.S., C.A.S.
School Psychologist/School Administrator
Ph: 315.635-4570
Email: jim@jimwrightonline.com |